Heart Gallery

Heart Gallery

Monday, 30 March 2009

Are You Signed-Up?

You shouldn't miss it this year!
Are you already signed-up?
then call up your friends!

Camp Transformation 2009
now in countdown mode!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

CSI : Crime Scene Investigation

This Saturday
Bring your friends

we'll start the investigation............

Thursday, 19 March 2009

This Weekend: Dodge Captain Ball preliminary!!

Again a Ball Game!!!
This Saturday we will have Dodge Captain Ball Practice during P2!
Bring lots of FRIENDS to join us
——And they would find out how fun is this!!!

And also don't forget P1!
There will be a Musical Drama performance by Group Uriah~
You got it——The title of the sketch is 'The Sheep'
you shouldn't miss it!


(Oh ya, in case if we'll get dirty after playing dodge captain ball,
please bring extra cloths to change oh~~ )

Monday, 16 March 2009

Biawak Buaya Biawak Buaya

Does this look like a biawak???

Biawak in Rou Sang version

"Mou Gu" Buaya Biawak

Errr... Dont know what Biawak is this??

Bee Ying style buaya, poor Derrick... but he is happy to be eaten~

Cute Siew Theng style buaya.....

Benaiah~~ the first to reach to the chair!!

Mark Sim, Mun Teng, Hannah, Esther, June, Abigail, Derrick

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

This Week: Amazing Race!!


Amazing Race is COMING!

This Saturday

Bring a lot of FRIENDS!!

Starting 2.30pm


We will have a lot of FUNS!!



Please bring extra cloths to change

because you will sure truly enjoy the GAME!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Niu Ze Xui

Spider Man Session


Why want to post like this??? Hmmm...
Man Yit


Man Yit's post is so.... em.....

Mun Teng in hug hug style

Yuke Bin in moles style

Another Yuke Bin style

Army Session

Rou Sang and Amelia

3 Leng lui-s

Kayson and Yuke Bin

Disney Session
Wow... such a big mouth~

Kayson in Donald Duck style

Ziu-Choi-Mao Session

2 Soh Lou in action

Dove Session

Doves in "Full House"

Why so cruel to the dove??? T.T

Mini-Cooper Session

Dunno-What-Man Session

Both of them really good in copying~
Mickey and Minnie Session

Group Picture!!!

What is our Commander doing???
Kayson the Mickey and Tiong Tung the Minnie


Commander in warrior style

Meh~ Meh Meh~ Meh~~ Meh Meh Meh~

Amelia can go for the supermodel competition already

Sexy Pic of Yuke Bin

Fake Hair Session

Yuke Bin in Women style
Women in black

Rou Sang in LONG HAIR!!!!

Dinner Session

Group Pictures Session