Heart Gallery

Heart Gallery

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Investiture Day!!! Benaiah!!!

Group Benaiah!! Zharm~

Start bursting the balloon. Benaiah Zham!!!

Tiong Tong just burst some balloons.

Hannah try to stand on the chair. Beside someone jump very cool. Blurr Pic.

Next, after Hannah, Esther move up.

Rou Sang just burst one, Lynn try burst another, Tiong Tong finding target.

Although it is blur, see Ritchie in ready to jump action.

Tiong Tong happily instruct someone, Man Yit and Esther very happy try to blow balloon.

Lynn and June (Sim Sisters)

Yeah Lynn burst one more balloon, few more balloon left.

Lynn come down, few more left...NEXT!!!!

Tada. Mark Sim in action.

Tiong Tong, finish the small one.

Esther burst the final balloon. Hooray!!!

Finally all balloon successfully being bursted.

Ok let's gather and listen Wai Loon give some speech
Attendance: (From the left behind) Mark Sim, June Sim, Kayson and Tiong Tong (face down)
(From the left front) Esther Liew and Stephy
(Camera girl at the back) Hannah Hing
(2 more guy at the right) Derrick (front) and Ritchie (back)

Attendace: (From the left behind) Ritchie and Amy
(From the left center) Derrick, Rou Sang and Yuke Bin
(From the left front) Stephy and Shuh Fun

Wai Loon giving speech and Man Yit become assistant

Wai Loon cool face. Wao!!

Everyone is listening. Mark Sim where are you looking?

Wai Loon still speaking.

Wai Loon is telling story.

Continuing the story

Almost come to and end of speech

This board is for the hand print event.

See how friendly Mun Teng with Abigail Hing.

Now we gather all member to start member pledge.

Say cheese!! Yeah you got the main spot Shuh Fun and Stephy

Wai Loon will read the member pledge together.

Every member very coorperate read the pledge together.

Wai Loon continue read the pledge.

Every committee feel very happy after member read the pledge.

Wai Loon is explaining the event, Stephy very happy and try to get the pen first

Nah, see my hand. Stamp your hand on the paper board.

Yo wassup, Yuke Bin demo hip hop style.

Everyone gather find kayson to paint the hand.

Wai Loon helping the hand painting

Esther first.

Paint black, easy to clean it.

Must paint all surface. Hehe.

Hiahhh, Esther fast action and left the hand mark.

Wai Loon explain after stamp must put signature.

Now is Abigail turn.

Painting Shuh Fun hand.

Painting Stephy hand.

Shuh Fun hand place here.

Stephy in action. Piak!!!!

Derrick is ready, Kayson in the process and Amelia in waiting.

Yuke Bin help Derrick to stamp it.

Kayson don't push too hard. Later feel sticky to take out.

Amy and Amelia place their hand at the same time.

Shuh Fun put her signature.

Cheese!! June nice V post.

Tiong Tong turn to stamp it.

Is Mark Sim turn

Rou Sang in action

Ritchie look here. Got Cha.

Smile Lynn Sim, Nice.

Hannah writting her signature.

Yuke Bin turn.

Mun Teng turn.

Finally Henri is on the picture.

Wai Loon (Commander) and Man Yit (Deputy Commander).

Body Groove. Kayson Brand

Body Groove. Amy Pooi Brand

Body Groove. Lynn Brand

Body Groove. Ritchie Brand

Body Groove. Mun Teng Brand (use wrong hand and stamp over)

Body Groove. Shuh Fun Brand (Not yet edit)

Body Groove. Abigail Brand

Body Groove. Robin Loh Brand

Body Groove. June Sim Brand

Body Groove. Tiong Tong Brand

Body Groove. Henri Brand (two finger print so light)

Body Groove. Mark Sim Brand

Body Groove. Hannah Brand

Body Groove. Esther Liew Brand

Body Groove. Wai Loon (Commander) Brand

Body Groove. Rou Sang Brand

Body Groove. Derrick Brand

Body Groove. Man Yit Brand (Horizontal Style)

Body Groove. Stephy Brand

Body Groove. Amelia Brand

Super Body Groove. Benaiah Brand

Kayson and Ritchie host a game. (Cant find Ritchie in picture)

Kayson is giving instructions.

Is Makan Time!!!

Everyone is enjoying the food

Nice pizza...

Abigail and Amelia together so close. (Saw Ah Wing spying at behind)

Everyone so happy enjoy eating

Henri and Amy take picture together.

Pretty girl look here. Smile...Chiak (June Sim and Mun teng)

Rou Sang special food mixture. Watermelon with Fu Pei. Wahaha.

Yuke Bin and Kayson start one food game.

Who zoom lose have to eat fruit but cannot bite it.

Game start. Stephy look like judge there.


Paper, Scissors, Rock!!!

Yuke Bin lose the game after so many round.

Add one more people Richard.

Taam Boom.

Add more people. (From the right) Yuke Bin, Jen Ruw, Richard and Ah Seng

Taam Boom.

Jonathan come and observe the game.

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